The plastic free campaign, to reduce plastic pollution in oceans endorsed by five of the G7 industrialized nations along with Coca-Cola, Walmart and few more multinationals is observed on 20th of September 2019. The campaign aims to develop more viable alternatives to plastic packaging ensuring the maximum use of recyclable plastics by 2030, targeting a goal of all-plastics being recycled and reused by 2040. 99Plas aims to be a functional component to be a part of the campaign achieving sustainable plastics in the UK.

The Supporters of this campaign includes Loblaws, Walmart, Nestle Canada, Unilever, IKEA, Dow Chemicals, the Coca-Cola Company, BASF Canada and A&W Canada. Unilever also announced that they are initiation a non-profit entity to reduce business and consumer waste, while Volvo upped its target to make 25 percent of the plastic in their cars recyclable by 2025. An increasing number of major consumer goods, manufacturers and retailers have signed conventions or commitments to reduce plastics waste, moving their interest to the use of environmentally friendly materials and recycled plastics in their manufacturing process. 99Plas is developing the platform for the recyclable material in the UK and Europe for the big retails and companies looking for sustainable plastics solution.

What are the Problems in the Plastics supply chain?

The answer to this question is the operative measures in the plastics supply chain. The lack of effective supply chain monitoring mechanisms for tracking the source of materials is a big challenge faced by the multinationals. A number of considerations need to be followed while sourcing recycled plastics; such as, are the materials from a post-consumer or post-industrial source? Is there any contamination that could be treated in advanced? Is the contamination in your recycled plastics is with time? Where was the plastic sourced from initially? The recycled plastics supply chain is complex, and it requires experience and the knowledge of the qualities in each plastic categories. The logistics of the plastic is another responsible supply chain measure to be taken care of. 99Plas plans to provide the logistics and the quality control measures, in the plastics supply chain.

What is the solution to the plastics in the blockchain technology?

The answer to this question is the positive function of the blockchain technology. The significant use of blockchain technology in 99Plas – A B2B plastics supply chain platform assists trading details to be embedded into the transaction record. The Blockchain database is distributed across the network and encrypted with every transaction; the data is recorded and encrypted as a “block” with no authority to modify it.  The promising blockchain technology has recently been explored by banks to track the flow of money. 99Plas is developing a platform with the blockchain technology into the plastics trading industry is the solution to the plastics supply chain concern, traders can have a clear tracking of the source where the recyclable plastics material they use comes from. Also, the suppliers are required to contribute to the blockchain database, acknowledging the waste and contamination with every plastic trade, this seems to eliminate the irregular operation system within the  plastics supply chain,  thus, a more sustainable plastics market would likely be formed.

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