[Monday, 9th of September 2019]: 99Plas is set for its online pre-launch schedule to take place digitally at 09:09 on the 9th of September 2019.

99Plas is one of the pioneers in the innovative B2B trading platform for the recycled plastics industry in the UK, the link is www.99plas.com Promoting the closed-loop recycling, 99Plas guarantees to provide support for the circular economy in the UK. It has focused on the digital transaction for the smooth business purpose globally. Our platform will feature the categories of the plastics and the scraps having in demand from different buyers and destinations representing the value of plastics and quality.

The business solution for the plastic traders with logistics and finance control at 99Plas ensures the supplier will be paid on time and the transaction will be financially monitored. The quality inspection and the logistics facilitation will follow the EA Standards and international control authorities.

The member registration process is explained on the website, and it is completely free to register, can be found here in this link https://99plas.com/supplier/en-us/signup. 99Plas is expected to go live on 9th of September 2019 in testing operation.

For more information visit:




Hashtag #99Plas #99PlasLive

For media queries: marketing@99plas.com


About 99Plas

It is an independent e-commerce website for the plastics industry in the UK. Providing a unique platform promotes recycling and simultaneously showcasing the value of plastics. It has plans to cater to the global market for plastics with international suppliers for different categories of plastic waste. 99Plas aims to provide opportunities to encourage transparent trading to portray plastics as a beneficial product, with great significance.

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