99Plas is a member of APSRG by Policy Connect, following one of its 2020 green goals.


All you need to know about APSRG & 99PLAS

APSRG is a group, operated by Policy Connect for the development of sustainable industry issues and awareness. It is a platform for the parliamentarians and sustainable resource community. They regularly run the program, to offer networking and discussion of policies and strategies.

With the green goals of 2020, 99Plas is willing to work more on contributing to the environment and plastics sustainable industry. Going on board with APSRG by Policy Connect, 99Plas has signed a membership to be a part of the policy advisers and changemakers.

99Plas will be participating in the sustainable developments and discussion events for the year 2020, with a seminar on ‘Defra’s Resource and waste strategy’ which is going to be very soon. Moreover, there is an event lined up for a discussion with upcoming environment bills, related to plastics and sustainable resources with APSRG by Policy Connect.

99Plas is looking forward to contributing more to the sustainable environment and global plastic industry.

For more details please visit www.99Plas.com or email us at info@99Plas.com